
5 Ways Guest Wi-Fi Service Benefits the Hospitality Industry

Providing fast, reliable and secure Wi-Fi is critical in the hospitality business. Whether you’re managing the wireless network for a chain of trendy coffee shops or overseeing the infrastructure of an all-inclusive resort, having the right tools and services can not only make your job a lot easier, but improve customer satisfaction and overall success of your business. 

One of the best ways to optimize your wireless network is by introducing Guest Wi-Fi services. From social media sign-on to custom splash pages, ITE DATACOM offers a guest network wireless solution that encompasses everything you need to offer lightning fast, branded Wi-Fi experience. Here are some of the ways that including Guest Wi-Fi services in your wireless network solution can benefit your company.

Prioritized users, applications and devices

Offering Guest Wi-Fi is not just a major bonus for your end users in terms of experience, it also allows you to balance your wireless network in a way that ensures reliable access for your guests. When you add Guest Network Services to your wireless solution package, you are going to get a wireless network design that prioritizes your users, applications and devices based on your unique needs. In the hospitality industry, you may have multiple point of sale systems, IoT devices that control things like environment, smart lock technology and laundry services, business centers, conference rooms, smart TVs and a whole other host of Wi-Fi reliant devices and services, and that’s not including those of your guests! Creating a wireless network that supports all of these devices is crucial and adding guest network services is an important step in optimizing your network.

When ITE DATACOM readies your network design, we’ll gather information about your current needs, including average number of daily users, estimated number of devices connecting to the network, and the type of applications you run. We will then program your network to prioritize the users/devices/applications in the way that best suits your needs. This will ensure that your guests have solid Wi-Fi while lounging by the pool and the devices you rely on to run your business effectively are getting the power, they need to keep you operating smoothly.  

“Your guests expect your Wi-Fi to be fast and reliable. They don’t care how; they just want it to work”

Asani Ali –

Increased Network Security 

Your guests expect your Wi-Fi to be fast and reliable. They don’t care how; they just want it to work. What they also want, is for the connection to be secure. With all of the recent security breaches and data hacks in recent years, consumers are more aware than ever of where and how they share their personal information. When they are on vacation, traveling for work or just enjoying a day at the salon, the last thing they want to worry about it the safety of their information. By adding Guest Wi-Fi services to your wireless network solution, you create greater opportunities for securing your network. Role-based access control allows you to segment you users and grant different permissions to the users connecting to your network. Essentially, you create swim lanes for your users and can assign different permissions to each. By complicating your network, you make it more difficult for hackers to target the private information you have stored in your database.

ITE DATACOM uses only industry-standard firewalls in our wireless network designs, meaning you’ll be getting the most powerful protection available. With Wi-Fi on subscription, not only will you avoid large up front capital expense, but you’ll also get premium upgrades built in. With the rate of technological advancement, your wireless hardware can become obsolete in as little as 3 years. When you go with the subscription model from ITE DATACOM, we’ll replace your firewalls when the time comes, and we will provide continual software updates and support for the duration of your contract. 

Customizable Splash Pages

Everyone knows, Content is King. If you want to promote your brand image and attract and retain new guests, you must seize every opportunity to create and present branded content. With Guest Wi-Fi services from ITE DATACOM you’ll get access to Edge Manager, a cloud-based software system that allows you to customize splash pages for your Captive Portal. The easy-to-use customizing tool allows you to choose a background image or upload your own. Add logos, content and choose how your users sign into your network. This custom interface is easy to setup and will do wonders for your brand consistency and seriously impress your guests.

Captive Portal Analytics

While the end user experience is paramount, captive portal offers a lot to your team as well. With Guest Network Services from Edge Manager, you will get access to the guest analytics dashboard, which gathers data about your users and presents them in easy-to-read charts. See how your marketing efforts change over time and get valuable insight into customer demographics to help inform future campaigns and customer attraction strategies. Upload your own terms and conditions to the splash page to let your guest’s know what information you will be collecting and how it will be used and allow them to opt out of data storage on the captive portal interface so that you are conscientious of your guest’s right to privacy and avoid issues down the road.

In addition to captive portal retail analytics, you’ll also get real-time insight into the health of your wireless network. We will upload your floor plans to your dashboard and integrate heat-map technology so that you can check on the status of your network, identify issues, and see where the majority of your guests are accessing the network.

Customer Satisfaction

This speaks for itself. The goal of your hospitality business is to delight your guests and create repeat customers. Booking sites and Yelp play heavily into decision making nowadays when people are planning trips or choosing hospitality services, and more and more Wi-Fi connectivity is becoming a standard of quality for how a business is measured. Having a wireless network design tailored to the hospitality industry and outfitted for your specific space will give you the Edge over your competitors and create post worthy moments for your guests. With Guest Network Wi-Fi services from ITE DATACOM you are going to get the fast, reliable and secure Wi-Fi solution that will impress your guests and keep them coming back.

ITE DATACOM has designed and deployed hundreds of wireless network infrastructures in the hospitality industry, ranging from massive resorts in the Bahamas to coffee shop chains in Puerto Rico and Salons across the US. Using the latest tools and technology, our team will analyze your current wireless network needs and design a solution with your guests and users in mind. You can rest easy knowing that you are providing the highest quality end-user experience for your guests and have access to the tools and support you need to continue to provide a holistic service. To find out more about how Guest Network Services from ITE DATACOM can help boost your hospitality business, give us a call.

Call or email us now., 305 490 8331

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